martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

Policy for integration of immigrants in Spain. All in review...

Rajoy's government seeks to unify the criteria in Spain in relation to the integration of immigrants.
Currently the requirements for access to different services by non-EU foreigners vary considerable depending what administrations are you dealing with.

The government noted that the non-EU integration has been developed so far by the state, communities and local governments in the matter exerting competition  with lack of coordination in is Security, health, integration programs, etc.. and in many cases causing conflict of interest. This have caused a divergence of the conditions of access of non-EU citizens to the various services and also in the conditions which must allow for remain in the country.

The goal of the Government is to establish a common criteria for all public administrations setting a legal framework for the development of a national policy and thus framing criteria for a national integration policy.

Thus, the Council of Ministers has decided to reform the Inimigration act in order to define common criteria of integration of immigrants and to determine the scope of each of the public administrations.

The most important items that have been made public are the following:

1.- A single work permit.
2.- Complete definition of who will be granting the working permits and how they will be processed in a way that ensures that all administration take part in the process, but is still friendly with the applicant.

All this must be put in relation with the avowed purpose of facilitating investment in Spain for the acquisition of property or for business reasons and to provide a simple and effective way to acquire residence in these cases. What still remains to be determined in detail.

So we will still have to wait and see those principles converted into specific rules.

In the meantime, always we can follow the well stablished routes to acquire residence, that will remain in force until changes come in force.

Javier Herrera Llamas

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